Cricket, we miss you!

With the regular world order dismantled by the pandemic, there’s nothing but uncertainty, chaos and gloom all over. What keeps one going in the toughest times is the humor as is mentioned by Viktor R. Frankl, humor is the lifeline to sanity and survival. Amidst everything, this pandemic has put a halt on sports as …

No one does it like Pakistan

Pakistan beat the unbeaten New Zealand in the tournament so far with a scintillating performance tonight at Edgbaston. Pakistan is known to deliver the dominance when dejected, cornered and enter into a very critical position in a tournament. Time and again Pakistan has proved that they might be the team with 100 problems, but mental …

We are sorry, Sarfaraz

Pakistan has had so far a calamitous run in the ICC cricket world cup 2019. We all are heart broken and intensely dejected at the display. Almost all of us have been critically targeting them over their performance, but none of us have the right to abuse our players, our national heroes. Read again, NONE …