Misbah, man up or pack up!

Misbah, man up or pack up, you don’t have any other choice. You may have been more successful Test captain than Imran or Miandad but you are not even close to their guts and fighting instincts. You may find yourself ahead of them in the books of stats and numbers but in the eyes of Cricket fans and alleys of legends and greats, you would still struggle to find a place near them, be it right behind them. Standing up in the face of crises and not running away from a fight was what made them the legends that they are. For true cricketing fans, the number that matters is not how many they won but how many fights they fought for the national pride and how many times they stood up ahead of the rest of the team to face the duel by themselves.

Instead of repeating the gutless and lame approach of another “ul-Haq” of exposing a struggling top order to even more pressure, learn something from Imran and promote yourself to one down position to arrest the slide before it happens instead of letting the fire to set in so that you could walk in with your usual fire-fighter gear. You are a great firefighter, we know that. But you can’t win World Cups with firefighting as your primary approach. You simply can’t outsmart and defeat opponents expecting and focusing on something to explode in your own camp.

Top order is where the problem is and as the captain of the ship, that’s where you are needed the most. Stop hiding behind inexperienced / out of form top order. You are the best, in-form and the most consistent batsman so man up and rescue your team mates out of their misery.
Do what Imran did to achieve the cricketing immortality or die a cricketing death of a toothless work horse. This is your last series in any case and there should be no fear of being dropped if you fail. Then, why not stretch yourself out of your comfort zone and accept the challenge of the situation? It may still end up in a failure – if it is destined that way – but you may end your career with a moment of pride and respect rather than humiliation and bashing even bigger than what you faced after Mohali.

As they say, its not about winning or losing; its the spirit that counts. You may still fail but for god’s sake, show up for the fight and go down fighting. We don’t want you to win, we want you to fight. Thats all we need.

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